Stratus is Responsive & Feature Rich

Nulla adipiscing tortor aliquet massa suscipit, ut iaculis nisi lobortis.

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Enterprise-grade software

More than 10 years of experience designing and developing software solutions. This covers Application Development and Integration, Project Implementation, Transition, and Technical Support.

Accelerate project execution

We understand that digital transformation requires great project execution. We can help you from Business Analysis and UX design all the way to application support transition and take-over. We can also complement your teams with on-site presence or off-site project teams.

Industry expertise

We have successfully deliver projects to Energy, Financial Services, Telco and Marketing industries. Covering Credit Rating and Risk Assessment, Content Management for Channel Marketing, E-billing & e-invoicing integration to Point of Sales and other areas.

Technical expertise

A wide range of expertise covering Web, Mobile, IoT.  With skills on Java EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Amazon Web Services, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Android and iOS.

Stratus Works Perfectly on All Devices

In vulputate, nisl ac dignissim venenatis, nisi lacus dignissim metus, sit amet elementum risus mi id velit. Sed eget felis et libero viverra dapibus quis in libero. Maecenas velit risus. Proactively fabricate one-to-one materials via effective e-business.

Did you know Stratus is ready for Retina?

Cras eget risus erat. Pellentesque placerat turpis eu mi sagittis cursus non vitae ante.

  • Pellentesque placerat turpis
  • In vulputate
  • Morbi viverra augue nisi

Enterprise-grade software

More than 10 years of experience designing and developing software solutions. This covers Application Development and Integration, Project Implementation, Transition, and Technical Support.

Accelerate project execution

We understand that digital transformation requires great project execution. We can help you from Business Analysis and UX design all the way to application support transition and take-over. We can also complement your teams with on-site presence or off-site project teams.

Industry expertise

We have successfully deliver projects to Energy, Financial Services, Telco and Marketing industries. Covering Credit Rating and Risk Assessment, Content Management for Channel Marketing, E-billing & e-invoicing integration to Point of Sales and other areas.

Technical expertise

A wide range of expertise covering Web, Mobile, IoT.  With skills on Java EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Amazon Web Services, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Android and iOS.

Showcase Your Business or Product

Fusce ultrices facilisis dolor, eget ornare felis porttitor vitae. Morbi tempor orci dolor, quis semper dui gravida id. Quisque ut eros sed nunc vehicula ultricies. Maecenas venenatis rutrum mauris, sed dignissim leo lobortis sit amet.

Did you know Stratus is ready for Retina?

Sed rutrum viverra ante ac pharetra. Phasellus consectetur lacus in libero laoreet semper. Donec lobortis lectus felis, a eleifend ipsum placerat ut. Morbi tempor orci dolor, quis semper dui gravida id.

Quisque ut eros sed nunc vehicula ultricies. Maecenas venenatis rutrum mauris, sed dignissim leo lobortis sit amet.

Enterprise-grade software

More than 10 years of experience designing and developing software solutions. This covers Application Development and Integration, Project Implementation, Transition, and Technical Support.

Accelerate project execution

We understand that digital transformation requires great project execution. We can help you from Business Analysis and UX design all the way to application support transition and take-over. We can also complement your teams with on-site presence or off-site project teams.

Industry expertise

We have successfully deliver projects to Energy, Financial Services, Telco and Marketing industries. Covering Credit Rating and Risk Assessment, Content Management for Channel Marketing, E-billing & e-invoicing integration to Point of Sales and other areas.

Technical expertise

A wide range of expertise covering Web, Mobile, IoT.  With skills on Java EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Amazon Web Services, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Android and iOS.

Would you like to learn more?

Morbi pretium vestibulum massa, a dignissim urna dapibus sed. Suspendisse luctus odio urna!